Friday, 22 October 2010

Lily's Friday Prediction

The moon draws full today, here in the south of England. Last night I watched her pendulous glory rise in the red sky. From now until mid-November the veil is at its very thinnest - and I for one can't wait to go exploring.

Well done to Sulci Collective for winning last week's challenge (see previous post). Today's words plucked from my battered encyclopaedic dictionary are:

  • Doom (honest!)
  • Throne
  • Intrusive
100 words max, please - flash fiction or poetry using all of the words above. You have all week to enter. Winner will be announced next Friday. Please tweet about your entry, using #fridayflash if possible.

Is it safe to invite you in...?

Prediction Winner

I've decided to announce the winner of last Friday's challenge on a short post before today's Friday Prediction starts.

Last week saw two newcomers Sulci Collective and AidanF who both gave us stunning little flashes, so thanks to them.

I, and other contributors commented fully at the time, so here is a summary:

  • Sulci Collective's torrent of words took us into the primal fire of destruction and rebirth.
  • Chris Allinotte's The Final Sitting playfully mixed art and demons - as is only right.
  • AidanF captured us with a magickal dark fairytale of blood and mirrors.
  • My piece Burning Shame saw a neglected toddler reaching for her smouldering baby-doll.
  • David Barber's Peace, At Last painted a haunting picture of a living portrait.
  • Joleen's The Victory Bonfire declared vengeance with execution by fire.
Excellent flash fiction, all. And whilst each and every piece evoked emotion and atmosphere the winner is Sulci Collective. Sulci's words had me bathing in primordial energy, raging fire feeding the salamander as man-made creation died all around. Congratulations Sulci!

Lily Childs is a writer of horror, esoteric, mystery and chilling fiction.

If you see her dancing outside in a thunder storm - don't try to bring her in. She's safe.