Tuesday, 10 August 2010

The Hunger

Caught out by a rendition of Ravel's sinister and haunting Le Gibet this evening I was taken back to my favourite film of all time - 1983's The Hunger - starring Catherine Deneuve (the most beautiful woman in the world, i.m.h.o.) as Miriam the ancient, immortal (or not) Egyptienne who survives on blood and blood lust.

What could be better than Deneuve in dark glasses watching Bauhaus spasm in a NY club, David Bowie topless in a stable, Susan Sarandon and Deneuve in love's Sapphic embrace? All spun about by slash, blissful horror and more blood to the dangerous piano of Satie, Ravel, Bach and Schubert... and delicate rain.

Watch the trailer below (ignore the silly voiceover). The perfect modern gothic horror. And never a mention of the 'V' word. All I can say is... Sara? SARA?????????

And if you like this, take a look at the alternative trailer of Bauhaus singing Bela Lugosi's Dead on YouTube. Awesome.
Lily Childs is a writer of horror, esoteric, mystery and chilling fiction.

If you see her dancing outside in a thunder storm - don't try to bring her in. She's safe.