Friday, 2 July 2010


This little acrostic poem on the theme of 'Orange' just won me the poetry comp over at Writing Mag's online writers' forum Talkback:


O pen my hesitant flesh, devour me.
R ip my pored skin with your nails.
A ngle your tongue to penetrate,
N o drop of juice left unsucked.
G rasp my orb lest I slip through your fingers,
E nding my life cased in dust.


Lily's Friday Prediction

Two great flash pieces from Matt Hilton and Chris Allinotte last week - cheers mateys. Today's words are simple yet, as a woman and a writer of horror the thought of them together in 100 words fills me with dread. They are:
  • Bed
  • Propaganda
  • Womb
So let's see your best - max 100 words flash fiction or tell me by the end of the week how these words have come true for you. Comments below. Off you go...
Lily Childs is a writer of horror, esoteric, mystery and chilling fiction.

If you see her dancing outside in a thunder storm - don't try to bring her in. She's safe.