I'd love to hear what you think.
You can read a few of my stories to date. Excerpts below - just grab the link to read the full nasty little tale:
Scuttle. Oh, I so enjoyed writing this horrid little gothic number...
Ghost Story. Forget 2012...
I come at the behest of all souls who have trodden this Earth, who still roam her surface unseen – overlapping by the millions – to give you fair warning.
Welfare and School Gates. This one's here on the blog...
'Unft mother'
I stop suddenly. I pivot on sodden leaves; rain penetrates the holes in the souls of my boots. There's no-one there.
Slideshow. All very jolly hockeysticks:
‘So that was my trip to Windsor. Lovely gardens, aren’t they? Now, here’s my world falling apart. Look. See, you can just make out my husband’s feet sticking out from behind the sofa.
The Apprentice. Fangtastic flash fiction:
'...blood fell into his mouth from where it had congealed. He licked it, blending the flakes and his saliva into a sticky fluid.'
Watched. Don't mess with madness:
'They’re always there now, watching. I don’t know what they want. I don’t know what they’re waiting for.'
Fashion Victim. Death and horror on the catwalk:
'...I arranged for my guts to spill as I took my final step on the catwalk, models towering above my slight frame, praising and applauding me, all glittering in the darkness of my exquisite designs.
Grub Up. Short, 'flash fiction' story about a desperate hunger with particular tastes:
'Vanessa was skeletal. I could barely get any meat off her bones so I just gnawed away at the stringy flesh. I sighed. I’d starve at this rate.'