Horror, horror and more horror. It's pouring out of me.
This morning I had a fully formed story of someone being locked in a fridge (like they used to in the old days - or at least, that's what your parents warned you about) then the fridge being chucked out in the snow. Woke up, and within 10 seconds, before I could grab my moleskine and pen, it had gone. SO frustrating.
Still, I've submitted my entry to online writing forum Talkback's monthly one word challenge. The theme is Chilling. And no, it had nothing to do with the fridge.
I have another nasty ready; a tad too long for Thrillers Killers n Chillers (maybe? - 2400 words?). Maybe I should enter it into another competition. Oh, but you see I LIKE seeing my stuff on TKnC - it feels at home there. Think I shall whisper nicely to Mr Bury and Mr Hilton...
Talking of TKnC there is just 36 hours left to vote for the site in the Predators & Editors E-Zine Awards. Go to http://www.critters.org/predpoll/fictionzine.shtml to vote (closes 14 Jan 2010) and see results here. It's currently top!