Friday, 30 October 2009


If you wondered about the lady Carlotta from my nasty little short The Apprentice, then her tale is ready to be told.

Scuttle has just been published on Thrillers Killers 'n' Chillers.

It's not for the faint hearted. Don't say I didn't warn you...

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Ghost Hunters

I'm really enjoying Sci-Fi's Ghost Hunters at the moment. Beats Most Haunted hands-down.

Love the way they discount everything before they'll accept it as possibly paranormal.

They're such a cool bunch of people.

Monday, 19 October 2009

Latest Tale posted on Thrillers Killers 'n' Chillers

My latest short chiller, Ghost Story, has been published at


"I come at the behest of all souls who have trodden this Earth, who still roam her surface unseen – overlapping by the millions – to give you fair warning..."

"Leave your séances to the Victorian parlour. Why reach out for us? Why drag us back when we do not want to return?.."

"The isolated, heady-scent of Damask Rose in a single spot in your house; water tumbling from washer-tight taps; a freezing cold finger at the nape of your neck in the heatwave of summer..."

I think 'The Narrator' in the tale agrees with Mr Brown for once - there is no Plan B.

Sunday, 18 October 2009

Ghost Hunting

I want to hear your experiences of ghosts and spirits. What did you see, hear or feel? Where did this happen? When did it happen? Did anyone else experience this?

Add your comments below, or fill in my contact form at

I might use your experience for some of my characters in a forthcoming novel (unless you object.)

Additionally, if I get enough responses I might consider an anthology.

Saturday, 17 October 2009

Col Bury - a crime writer's choice

Check out my virtual mate Col Bury's blog - Col Bury's New Crime Fiction. Very inspiring.

You might just find a couple of things on there by little 'ole me and some other maties.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Feardom in Alex's house

All hell has broken loose. Last night's writing episode had me quaking in my (brand-new kinky) boots.

My own house was trembling; knocking. I felt like I was being watched - I'm sure I am.

Thursday, 8 October 2009

The novel - happenings

Alex is getting pestered. Her nasty side's getting a good knock on the head. But we're learning who she is and where she came from, the whys and the wherefores.

The police are onto her, but not in a way you might think.

Others are hovering, waiting to be noticed. Some are in the book; some are over my shoulder - vying for space.

More soon...
Lily Childs is a writer of horror, esoteric, mystery and chilling fiction.

If you see her dancing outside in a thunder storm - don't try to bring her in. She's safe.